It is amazing how conveniently hypocritical skeptics of the Bible have behaved these days. Skeptics, who previously had accused the current books that we have in the bible as clever fabrications hundreds of years after the time of Christ, are now confronted with proofs of its' reliability. The books found in the new testament have been confirmed as authentic by earliest manuscripts and supporting documentation from the saints who lived around the first century, even revealed the continuity of Christian beliefs from the very beginning with Christ Himself. The writings from saints around the first century demonstrate that they were very aware of the gnostic false teachings and openly rejected their claims.
The beliefs and practices of the followers of Jesus Christ as Lord vs. the gnostics are diametrically opposed to one another. It was the gnostics who based their ideology on paganism, polytheism, borrowed cultural myths, and a philosophy that was hostile to God as creator. On the other hand, those who have been transformed by the power of God through the preaching of the gospel and working of the Holy Spirit of God; esteemed Jesus as Lord God (highest authority), repented of dead works and sought to live holy; had a faith in God (who is one in essence-triune in revelation); practiced and respected the word of God; and recognized the books in both old and new testaments as cannon - all rejected the spiritual harlotry of gnostics.
Realizing they (the bible skeptics) cannot refute or successfully discredit the books of the new testament, bible skeptics attempt to associate and group all the early christians of the new testament with gnostic teachers as a tactic so the unsuspecting reader will become deceived into thinking that the beliefs of Christianity that we see today had evolved. Now we see the skeptics hypocrisy in full view as they seem to elevate the very gnostic writings which were invented well in the 300 and 400 AD period as if they had some divine merit worthy of global recognition. Such skeptics fail to realize that the gnostic writings are just as much speculative esoteric theories as their own conjectures which they spout in americas secular universities today. Both the early gnostics and bible skeptics of the "Jesus seminars" both share a common viewpoint that somehow their speculations about the early church, beliefs about God, and unbiblical claims about the Lord Jesus Christ do not have to be based on actual historical facts. However the early Christian Church as well as the modern Christian Church still holds that facts (such as the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ) are foundational and important. This means that the Da Vinci code, the gospel of judas, and other apocryphal writings to this day have no credibility.
"The DaVinci Code Breaker:" Shhhh.....the secret documents are at the click of your mouse.
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The Davinci Delusion
Why is the Da Vinci Code being read so widely?
Why was the Council of Nicea convened, and what was decided at the Council? (They gathered to make known what Christians have always believed from the beginning. Their vote about the deity of Christ was NOT close at all. In fact, 300 out of 2 Christian leaders at Nicea affirmed that Jesus was God manifested in human form. In order for God to demonstrate His love to people, Jesus was sent to destroy sin and remove it from the heart of humanity. John Chapter One talks about this. A Christian's faith is not in the earthly man Jesus, but in the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. When you receive Him and surrender to Him as Lord, He actively breaks the power of sin and death off of your life and gives you a new nature inside. Only then will you truely know the one and only Loving God who is personal.)
Did Constantine decide which books would be in the Bible?
What do you say to people who have read the Da Vinci Code and believe it is truth?
What is Gnosticism?
What are the Gnostic Gospels?
On page 231 of The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown has his characters say, "It's true that more than eighty gospels were considered for the New Testament, but they were turned down by the church and then destroyed." Is this true?
Dan Brown's characters say, "It's true that these gospels, part of the ancient library at Nag Hammadi, highlight glaring discrepancies and fabrication of the Bible we've got today; the modern Bible." Is this statement true?
Why is The Da Vinci Code called The Da Vinci Code?
Did Jesus wed Mary Magdalene?
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Mike Licona answered this question during a conference on the DaVinci Code Sunday, May 21, 2006 at Corporate Landing Middle School in Virginia Beach, VA. I have been given permission to post his research on this blog. This is an excerpt from his website.
"In 1988, I discovered after further review that there are indeed claims of dying and rising gods in other religions -- some of which are very similar to the Christian records. What is of great interest is that every single one of those accounts postdate Jesus by more than 100 years! While in a number of instances the religion in which the dying and rising god appears predates Jesus,
the account itself, where we find the dying and rising god, actually postdates Jesus. It appears that it was these other religions that were influenced by Christianity rather than the other way around.
A prime example is Brown’s mention of Mithras. The religion of Mithras predates Christianity. But we do not have an early report of Mithras with all of the details mentioned by Brown. I am unaware of any account, even a late one, of a Mithras who dies, is buried in a rock tomb, then resurrected in three days.T.N.D. Mettinger is a senior Swedish scholar who has written what is perhaps the most recent academic treatment of dying and rising gods in antiquity. He states that the scholarly consensus is that none of these pre-date Christianity and that the few who think differently are viewed as an “almost extinct species.” Although Mettinger himself admits to going against the consensus, believing there are as many as five pre-Christian accounts of dying and rising gods, he admits that two of the five are uncertain. Of the remaining three, one is said to live again but is never seen by anyone including the gods, while another appears in a report that is unclear. According to Mettinger, only one clear account of a dying and rising god predates Christianity. However, he adds that this account is so different from the Christian account that no parallel can be said to exist.
In summary, the consensus of today’s scholars agree that there are no pre-Christian accounts of dying and rising gods, and the most recent treatment of the subject is from a scholar who disagrees but adds that none are parallels to the resurrection of Jesus."
Mettinger, Tryggve N. D., Riddle of Resurrection: "Dying and Rising Gods" in the Ancient Near East (Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament, 50)
Supporting Documentation:: (Just click the links below)
Exhaustive Refutation of Gnostic Arguments and DaVinci Code Fabrications
CRASH goes the Davinci Code!!!
Redeeming the DaVinciCode
Jesus Facts
Answers for Atheists and Skeptics
Follow-up on the DaVinci Code FABRICATIONS
Why the 'Lost Gospels' Lost Out
The Da Vinci Code, Corrected
WHY I CAN TRUST THE BIBLE: Important questions and topics
Authenticity of the Bible
Historically Reliable
Can we trust the Bible?
Should we question the Bible?
Isn’t God so mysterious that there is not much we can know about Him?
Wasn’t the Bible passed down verbally from generation to generation before it was written?
Does God talk to men?
Didn’t the men God spoke to make mistakes?
Hasn’t the text been copied so many times it is unreliable?
Didn’t the original text have contradictions?
Aren’t some of the books of the Bible lost or missing?
Don’t the Bible and science oppose each other?
Does archaeology support the Bible?
Does history support the Bible?
Do miracles happen?
Doesn’t the Bible contain some false and even harmful teachings?
Doesn’t the hypocrisy in the Christian Church show the Bible is not true?
Don’t Christians disagree about even the most basic Christian truths?
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